
A Reproductive Lexicon


Ownership of this website has been transferred from Northwestern University to Michigan State University.
Please note that some site information may be inaccurate while adjustments to reflect this organizational change are made.

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Repropedia is a reproductive dictionary created by an international team of scientists and clinicians led by investigators at Northwestern University. An editorial board reviews all entries to ensure that definitions are both accurate and accessible to scientists and non-scientists alike.

Do you have a question about a Repropedia term that you wish to have answered by a scientist or clinician? Ask an Expert. One of our board members will get back to you within the week.

Contribute to Repropedia! We invite members of the reproductive science and health community to share their expertise. All contributions will be directed to the Program Manager at Northwestern University's Center for Reproductive Research.

This work is supported the Center for Reproductive Research- Award Number U54 HD041857 and the Center for Reproductive Health After Disease- Award Number P50 HD076188 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development.
